The General ~ A QHHT Session Given by Lorna Wilson

yin yang

My QHHT practitioner-friend, Lorna Wilson gave her permission for me to post this two part transcript from two QHHT sessions she did. Lorna lives and works in the UK. Her contact info is at the end of this post. 

The back story is that a man had contacted Lorna on behalf of his female friend who kept having dreams where a ‘being’ called ‘The General’ kept coming to her telling her to get moving and hurry up. The woman wanted a session to figure out who this “General” was. This was in August of 2012. The General is very insistent that information like this gets out to the masses. Please share this wherever you feel it can be appreciated. Thank you Lorna for allowing us to share The General’s message ~ Much Love, Suzanne


Here is a short transcript Lorna wrote at the time of the first session with The General.

  • ‘The truth is that everything both light and dark but the world has become too obsessed with this whole light business so be warned that through the upcoming transition we will all know the power, beauty and perfection of the dark.All this positive thinking and ‘be happy’ BS is half of the story. You have been shown through nature and all of creation that light and dark are necessary but you seem to need a storm to change direction in your thinking and so this coming shift will be your storm. Some of you will learn to dance in the storm. The way to prep yourself is to learn to dance in the storm now and everyday, and to see the light in chaos everyday.The yin yang sign is the biggest joke. People have it on their bracelets, tattooed on their foreheads etc. but nobody really gets it. Because it is light and dark at the same time. Within dark there is light and within light there is dark. And that’s the truth. In the transition of realities you will have to embrace your dark as well.
    With these earth changes people are going to freak out and there will be violence but violence has been a part of humanity for a long time and by now you should know how to handle violence. You just need to be strong very strong and know your truth….know this truth. Because with what’s coming, the people that will make it through will be the ones that can see past the illusion. And those people that won’t will be consumed by their illusion they will be consumed by their own fear.’
    ~The General

    This week Lorna did a second with this session with the same woman and continued her conversation with The General:

    The Overall message of this session  was – ‘Combine and Conquer’ 
    I was told that this means we have to combine ALL of ourself and move away from separation.

    L.  Can you clarify that further, please?

    G.  There has been a shift in energy which means a lot of people are going to start wobbling categorically, and you might have already noticed this…. that some people are having wobbles whereas the people that are on their path already are experiencing a heightened clarification.  The people that haven’t been (changing or adapting) – and there is no right or wrong – they are in a state of confusion.

    We need to play a bigger game, much much bigger game. Speak to more people…voice your energy. You are not here to be on holiday, swanning off thinking you are here to do what you want to do (this made me laugh out loud).  It’s about bringing the shift forward.
    L. Yes you told us that before, so what does that look like?

    G. (He jokingly says ) Ah, so you want us to do your work as well. It’s not enough just being and bringing energy, you have to spread energy.

    You are all like little dragons flying around without fire. (Once again I burst out laughing) This is the volcano that is going to erupt energetically and shake everything, and in fact it’s already started to shake things.  We need people to be assertive.

    (He shows her pictures of us ‘swanning’ around doing sightseeing stuff, like visitors on this planet ) You need to work, work, work, you’re not here for a holiday.
    Because he shows her pictures while speaking through her, I ask for him to show her pictures of what it looks like when we are doing the work.  From here-on in I’ll leave out my dialogue and just add his comments.


    Understand that half of spirit is showmanship, and to nurture the soul the mind must be entertained. You have the ability to give them what they want to supply them with what they need. What is the biggest selling medium in the world right now? Entertainment is the biggest thing right now and entertainment is the key to shifting this planet. Use the natural given presence and showmanship that you have and dazzle them into belief, rather than convince them. Their souls are yearning for it, crying for it, aching for it, because the world has indoctrinated its people into only being able to be nourished by entertainment. So now entertainment is the only path. (he shows her a picture of ‘sneaking onto the coca cola truck because coca cola goes everywhere in the world’). Use entertainment as the Trojan. The Trojan of love.  You are teachers. (At this point he took the conversation personal to us but collectively meaning that all of us volunteers should not be too serious and ponderous with our work, but keep it light hearted to engage all of the senses of the individuals we reach.  This was highly entertaining and truly engaged my senses and much laughter.)


    You need your ego, without that you have no presence no energy no ability to shift anything forward.  Look at all the great men and women on this planet, if they had no ego they wouldn’t have got anywhere.  Ego is not the thing to get rid off.  If you’re too much like everybody you won’t be a beacon to follow.  A beacon has to be different.  Be creative, shine and do something different.    Melodramatic is a waste of time.  Who cares if it’s your ego, so long as you’re doing the work. We don’t care if you say you are the greatest thing on the planet, so long as you are purporting the energy and moving the shift along we don’t care.  Have fun with it and be creative. (he shows her some funny pictures of us in action)


    We’re all ready moving  into the 5th dimension, but most people won’t even notice it happening.   The universal laws are changing, time is going to speed up, manifesting is more immediate, and  the disillusion of illusion.  Not everybody will get it at the same time. Some will stay in the 3D, and some people are needed to teach.  Those who are the teachers will shift into the 5th. They are already in the 5th and they pull the others through. You are the teachers. (I ask if the teachers are like a portal) No.  The portal is already open and the teachers are saying ‘this way’. You are the pointers, pointing the way forward, and you need to reach more people.
    It happened.  In the first star gate, and the second, and then the full moon in the middle which was Aquarius and Leo and now the star gate is opened and we are actually in the age of Aquarius.  So the illusion, reality, and separation has started to fall down and that is going to freak the s*** out of people, because they are all starting to realize that ‘ you and I and the desk and the heavens and the earth are one’. But they are also starting to realize that they are manifesters, powerful beyond belief and that they are constantly creating their world, through the things going on in their head, and that alone is terrifying them. So it needs to be all wrapped up like ‘you want to abuse your body with chemicals and bad food then your minds going to pay the price, your mind pays the price, then your energy pays the price’.


    (She is shown contracts that we signed).   Awareness.  Take all the stuff in your head and put it out there, the right persons will find their way to you.  Make yourself available so people can find you.  Build a bigger fire so that people can come  sit at the fire and get their transformation.  Approach this like a military campaign. (LOL) (He shows her dominoes moving from the center making all the others move outward.)  Ask for what you need to be able to do your work. The problem of the duality of being a teacher is finding their balance of being human with the expression and alignment of their purpose.


    With the disbandonment of ‘illusion between the God and I, you and me, I am separate from another being, I am separate from nature’, all of that goes away.  ‘I have the power to co-create with my life, I believe that  I am worthy, I have the tools, I have  the necessary power , s*** will  happen along the way, that I am to learn something that I am not privy to.  I can have the things that I want, and I must intend them, and work towards them, and believe that I am worthy’, (those were given as things that define our thinking). And occasionally get drunk if you want. Live your life empowered to be and experience it fully through your intentions. (Once again I burst out laughing at this unexpected turn and he says) There’s no blow-outs up here so have one down there.  LOL


    People will just have to come along with that.  Don’t worry about that because She takes care of herself.  Earth and man is the same, don’t worry about that.  What falls from the sky and breaks up the earth like puzzle pieces is within people and is symbolic for what is happening within them.  Man himself is breaking up into the puzzle pieces from the energy that’s coming.  YOU are going to be just fine.

    How do you think, that it’s not happening inside of you?  It’s necessary.  (He shows her spring, moving into summer and winter, as cyclic change) It’s a natural….do people think the planet is just going to stand still?  Ridiculous!  This planet is just fine.


    It would be stupid not to build them because spirituality has gotten a bit too naive and a bit ‘happy clappy’ . The east has a better idea of destruction and creation, and one would be stupid not to build them.

    Especially women today   are over-carers, over –naivers, over-givers, but that’ not ‘spiritual’, ‘spiritual’ is the middle.  What is spiritual is to give and then stand in your power to want to receive, and with that power you want to have the power to protect. It isn’t about hugging trees and loving everyone, it would be stupid to love someone who doesn’t’ want to do good for you. (This might be in reference to her divorce that has just begun.)


    It is all a part of the plan. (He shows her other times of shifts).  It’s all needed and the only way your body can withstand it is if you are in your own energetic power, and that’s not by molding yourself into a pretzel and breathing in through your left ear and out through your right nostril (Once again I burst out laughing).  It’s about your power as a person.  Stepping into your Godliness, into your divine presence and the only way you can do that is if you manage your thoughts.  Because the thoughts are the only things that are ….(he shows her an electronic  circuit board and tells her) you are always connected.  The only thing that puts an (she makes an oomphh sound) in the middle, are fear, doubts, shame, guilt …just rubbish.

    You are human and  you are  going to have to tolerate them (emotions) and the only thing you can do is sit down for a minute, and breathe through them and let them go, and get back in the flow and you will be fine.    The only problem you’ll have is that there will be lots of people that  as soon as those feelings come on will want to numb it with sex, with drugs, with food, with avoidance.    They will need to be taught to connect with the feeling.  (He shows her  a picture of a dirty house) You wouldn’t expect as soon as  you start cleaning that there will be sparkles. When  everything is out of the cupboard and looking messy then you will feel uncomfortable for a while.  Breathe, take a breath, make a cup of tea, phone a friend, and then just carry on.   The world will not collapse because you feel lonely for a minute.  If you could hear how many people curse the universe all the time, ‘everything is wrong, I hate my life’ – it’s the private joke up here.  We simply say ‘oh tomorrow you will see it different, and then you will be saying  ‘oh thank you for this disaster, I now see it differently’.  Where is God not?


    (She saw a 5 and thought it might mean 2015.)  By the time you get there you won’t be bothered. (I think once again that we are not to know times or deadlines)

    Here is Lorna’s contact info:


    Copyright © Suzanne Spooner. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete.

    My QHHT Website:

    TAUK Website:

    TAUK/QHHT Blog:

    Dolores Cannon’s website: Dolores developed the process of QHHT.

7 Comments on “The General ~ A QHHT Session Given by Lorna Wilson

  1. Pingback: Learn to Dance in the Storm | Nalonmit's Blog

  2. I read this at the most perfect opportune time! As I read this regression it felt as though it was meant for me! Amazing how many of us symbolically go through the same things at the same time and are in a need to know simultaneously! love it love it love it… “gets my inside energy joke and laugh on!” 🙂

  3. Pingback: Suzanne Spooner: Learn to Dance in the Storm | Awakening to Arachanaï

  4. Pingback: Steve Beckow: Last Stand for the Ego | The Aquarius Paradigm

  5. Pingback: Last Stand for the Ego | Nalonmit's Blog

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