TAUK Messages


Hello Everyone, In my quest of sacred knowledge and in my moments of utter geek-ness with the human experience I have delved deeply into creating a deeper and richer connection with my High Self. If we are just making it through our days checking off the list of things that have to be done then we are limiting the experience of purposeful joy. Sure we may take time to meditate or take… Read More

Hi Everyone, Do our pets or animals in general have a lower level of consciousness than humans? In the work that I do with hypnosis I get to have a front row seat in understanding that everything holds consciousness and therefore has a unique story to tell. Our pets are no less special in their own soul journey. They are members of our families and absorb so much more than we often… Read More

Hi Everyone, This July I will be in London on a little QHHT tour! Guiding a client to find their own answers and healing is amazing and I’ll be giving sessions and teaching a QHHT Level 1 Companion class while there. 

Hi Everyone, I had an interesting experience in the night; not asleep or awake but in theta.