TAUK Messages


Hi Everyone, I am very excited to share this QHHT session YouTube clip with you! This session was amazing on many levels. The client and I are sharing with you the past life portion of her session plus a light/star language demonstration and translation her High Self shared. Oh! And about that…

Hi Everyone,  My dear friend, Marilyn Dyke a Level 3 QHHT practitioner from Maple Ridge, Canada recently posted on her blog about this interesting session she gave. The information her client gave was thought provoking and actually was similar to what my client, Todd received back on November 11th, 2016. The jest of that post found HERE was that Trump would have to make the choice of working from his Higher Self… Read More

Hi Everyone, For those in Australia, China and Taiwan, Julia Cannon and I will be traveling in October and November 2017 to share the amazing world of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique. 

Hi Everyone, I am healing from an accident. If there is one thing I have learned working with Dolores, Julia Cannon and QHHT is that there are NO accidents. And when we feel unwell or something isn’t right within our body, we are not listening to the message the body is sending us.

Hi Everyone, I created the YouTube clip below to share with you insight into the chaotic times we are in and our opportunity to entertain the concept of fear or not. Fear is a wonky scenario that disguises itself as worry, concern, victimhood, the list goes on. But it also is a quick energy drain and pulls our vibration down. When our vibration is down we don’t expand or elevate our lives…. Read More

(Suzanne) Why has she come to her current life experience on Earth? (High Self) She has come to be a part of the mass lighting (of the planet). 

          Hello Again, We had a little technical difficulty with the last post; AN ARCTURUS COUNCIL MEMBER SPEAKS ~ A QHHT SESSION SEGMENT BY SUZANNE SPOONER For those of you that get email notifications of my new posts, the YouTube link was left off accidentally. Meanwhile, on Youtube the clip starts at the beginning but on the post starts about 1 minute in….What the heck?  So, here is the… Read More

Hi Everyone, I wanted to share with you an interesting and entertaining experience that happened recently in a QHHT session I was facilitating. This gentleman client has had an amazing life and had an equally amazing list of questions to ask about in his session. He and I are sharing with you a brief video clip I made in his session. To give understanding though let me start at the beginning of… Read More

  Human consciousness is experiencing a great jump in evolution. But I digress. Once on a flight from Australia I was sat next to Scott Tibbitts, entrepreneur and CEO of Katasi/Groove. He’s also an inventor and a former rocket scientist . He explained that some of his inventions were on the Mars Lunar Rover and the International Space Station. He’s a world class story teller and we whiled away the in-flight hours sharing… Read More

Hi Everyone! I am so excited to be facilitating a QHHT Level 1 Companion class in beautiful (and wildly charged) SEDONA, Arizona May 20th-22nd, 2017!